Year 12 Information

Year 12 Information Evening June 2023

The presentation from the Year 12 Information Evening, held on Tuesday 7th June 2023 can be found at the bottom of this page.


Assessment Calendar

Our Assessment Calendar can be found on our 'How We Assess' page.


Term Dates

Our Term Dates can be found on our 'Term Dates, Parents' Evenings and Events' page.


Key Dates for Year 12
  • Year 12 Meet the Tutor Event – Wednesday 11th September 5.30-7pm
  • Year 12 Parents’ Evening – Thursday 16th January 2025 (online from 4pm)
  • Year 12 Next Steps and UCAS Information Evening – Wednesday 26th March 5.30-7pm


RWS Scholars


The vision for our new Lecture Series is to provide students with opportunities to experience lecture type talks from guest speakers from a variety of fields and industries. The aim is to take our students beyond their specifications and open up the world beyond school in their areas of study. The seminars will inspire our students, promote our ethos of teaching to the top, support UCAS applications and bridge the gap between school and higher education whilst making information from industry experts more accessible.

RWS Community

At Ravens Wood, we are deeply committed to instilling a sense of responsibility, altruism, and active engagement in our Year 12 students. To put this philosophy into practice, we have designed a structured framework where all Year 12 students are assigned to either an Academy or our RWS Community Programme, which was launched at the beginning of this academic year.

RWS Community is a dynamic and rolling programme, consisting of six distinctive initiatives: 

  • Lower School Mentors – we teach our Sixth Form students how to effectively and empathetically support and mentor KS3 students
  • Lower School Readers – we teach our Sixth Form students how to support lower school students with their reading
  • Sustainability – students are investigating, developing and implementing several initiatives in order to help Ravens Wood School achieve the “Climate Action Award”
  • Charity and Fundraising – students propose, develop and promote ideas to fundraise each half term
  • Curriculum Support – students are researching and designing wider reading resources to be embedded across all keystages to support and challenge students in all years.
  • Self Growth – students spend time on self-reflection and growth, identifying tangible opportunities to improve their chances when applying for their next steps choices and helping them stand out from the crowd in competitive application procedures. Students will also complete and submit an essay as part of the RWS1000 Essay Competition.

What makes this programme truly unique to Ravens Wood School is that it not only encourages our Sixth Form students to give back, but also empowers them to develop essential skills that will stand them in good stead as they work towards securing their desired future destinations. RWS Community is a testament to our commitment to fostering well-rounded, socially conscious, and proactive individuals who are ready to make a positive impact on the world.

RWS1000 Essay Competition

We are delighted to publish here our inaugural RWS1000 Essay Anthology. Students were nominated by our Heads of Department for First Place and Highly Commended awards.

RWS1000 Anthology 2024

Correspondence, Resources and Guidance