Media Studies


Intent and Vision

In Media Studies we have the Ravens Wood vision at heart of our curriculum planning, and it has informed the learning journey of our students. Our vision for Media Studies is to embed conceptual and theoretical knowledge of exam areas into the more practical and engaging elements of the course. The aim of this approach is to stimulate intellectual curiosity through, experiential, hands on, applied learning. We want Media Studies students to be able to engage with and question the Media that they consume on a day-to-day basis, and to enable them to critically evaluate the role of the Media in society. We believe that our GCSE acts as a pathway into the three disparate qualifications that make up our curriculum offer at KS5; A Level Media, BTEC Media and A Level Film Studies that allow our students to specialise in a range of courses at Higher Education. More importantly, we expect that they can take the skills and knowledge that they gain from Media Studies and apply it to their world view irrespective of their decision to study related disciplines outside of our curriculum offer.


Key Concepts that Underpin the Curriculum
  1. Media Platforms
  2. Media Language
  3. Genre
  4. Narrative
  5. Mediation
  6. Representation
  7. Media Industries
  8. Media Audiences
  9. Context – CHIPS/CHEPS
  10. NEA Understanding a Brief
  11. NEA Pre Production
  12. NEA Production
  13. NEA Post-Production


Key Features of Learning

An applied approach to Media Studies is key to our learners’ success in terms of engagement and long-term retention of skills and knowledge and ascension. The approach is discursive and cumulative, in that skills and concepts are learnt practically, where possible, or given real world context where “in-lesson” practical is not possible.


How Does our Curriculum Shape Learners?

Our curriculum helps students to develop their practical skillset in terms of creating media for a variety of platforms. Students will question the media that they might otherwise take for granted and begin to understand the power of media institutions and media messages, including the ability to criticise the messages found in the media that are representative of corporate and political bias, being able to discern the difference between the “truth” and fake news and the power and danger of mediation and misrepresentation of image and society.


The Learning Journey: End Points for Each Academic Year
Year 13

By the end of Year 13, students will be able to confidently understand, analyse and evaluate the core topics included within Components 1 & 2 of the exam and will have completed their NEA.

NEA: Completed by the end of the September half term.

Students will study the core concepts of Genre, Narrative, Media Language, Representation, Mediation, Audiences & Institutions and Context for the following Media Platforms:

News (Print and Online, Social and Participatory Media): Students will have learned about Newspapers, specifically the Guardian and Daily Mail in both their Print and their Online, Social and Participatory forms. They will be able to analyse these Newspapers for media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of News, including the application of context. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the construction of their mixed media news articles for either the Daily Mail or Guardian.

Advertising & Marketing: Students will have learned about the advertising and marketing of a product or charity including advertising in terms of print and have covered intertextuality and context. They will be able to analyse media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of Advertising and Marketing. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the construction of their own ad campaign.

Magazines: Students will have learned about Magazines, specifically the ‘The Big Issue’. They will be able to analyse the front cover of The Big Issue for media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of Magazines, including the application of context. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the construction of their own design of a front cover for an edition of the Big Issue.

Music Video: Students will have learned about the form and function of Music Videos, specifically “Unfinished Sympathy” by Massive Attack and “Titanium” by David Guetta (featuring Sia). They will be able to analyse media messages and contexts and apply the theoretical framework to the study of music videos. They will practically apply this to the completion of research and planning for their own music videos for their NEA. (Taught at the beginning of the academic year to coincide with Music Video post-production).

Year 12

By the end of Year 12, students will be able to confidently understand, analyse and evaluate the core topics included within Components 2 of the exam and will have undertaken a research and planning portfolio for their NEA:

Music Video NEA: Students will have studied the form and function of Music Videos and will have completed a research and planning portfolio that addresses the brief of the NEA for their academic year. Students will be prepared with the skills and knowledge required to shoot their video over the summer break.

Students will study the core concepts of Genre, Narrative, Media Language, Audiences & Institutions and Context for the following Media Platforms:

Radio: Building on the core knowledge and analytical skills used at GCSE, Students will have learned about the Production, Distribution and Exhibition of a Radio broadcast- including advertising in terms of trailers, online, on television and in print and have covered intertextuality relating to radio. They will be able to analyse media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of Radio. Students will be able to apply advanced media concepts and theory from the theoretical framework to the study of the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the construction of a mock-up of a segment of a Zoo Format Radio Show.

Film: Building on the core knowledge and analytical skills used at GCSE, Students will have learned about the Production, Distribution and Exhibition of a Film product including advertising in terms of trailers, online, on television and in print and have covered intertextuality relating to the film. They will be able to analyse media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of Film. Students will be able to apply advanced media concepts and theory from the theoretical framework to the study of the original Disney animation of the Jungle Book and its contemporary live action remake. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the construction of their own Film advertising campaign.

Video Games: Building on the core knowledge and analytical skills used at GCSE, Students will have learned about the Production, Distribution and Exhibition of a Video Game product - including advertising in terms of trailers, online, on television and in print and have covered intertextuality relating to the film. They will be able to analyse media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of Video Games. Students will be able to apply advanced media concepts and theory from the theoretical framework to the study of Minecraft. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the construction of an Extended Gaming Research Project.

Long Form Television Drama: Building on the core knowledge and analytical skills used at GCSE, Students will have learned about the form and function of Long Form Television Drama. They will be able to analyse media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of LFTVD. Students will be able to apply advanced media concepts and theory from the theoretical framework to the study of Stranger Things and The Killing. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the construction of a theory vlog.

Full Theoretical Framework: Students will have studied and be able to apply the theories of 17 Media Theorists to each Media Platform outlined above.

Year 11

By the end of Year 11 students will have covered the entire media theoretical framework including Political context and have completed their NEA.

NEA: Completed by the end of the September half term.

Students will study the core concepts of Genre, Narrative, Media Language, Representation, Mediation, Audiences & Institutions and Context for the following Media Platforms:

Radio: Students will have learned about Radio, specifically the BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge. They will be able to analyse an Episode of Live Lounge for media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of Radio, including the application of context. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the construction of a roleplay of a segment of a radio show.

Magazines: Students will have learned about Magazines, specifically the Mojo Magazine. They will be able to analyse the front cover of Mojo for media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of Radio, including the application of context. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the construction of the design a front cover of a Music, Special Interest Magazines.

Newspapers: Students will have learned about Newspapers, specifically the Observer, both online participatory and in print. (Contemporary and historical). They will be able to analyse several editions of the Observer including three font covers from the 1960’s for media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of Newspapers, including the application of context. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the construction of an article for the front page of a Newspaper or the construction of social media for an existing newspaper.


Year 10

By the end of Year 10, students will have covered the whole media theoretical framework (except Political context which will be covered in Year 11 in the News topic). Students will have been introduced to Uses and Gratifications, Audiences and Representation. They will have pitched a product for a media platform as an introduction to the variety of media platforms that exist.

Students will study the core concepts of Genre, Narrative, Media Language, Audiences & Institutions and Context for the following Media Platforms:

Promoting Media (Film): Students will have learned about the advertising and marketing of a Film product including advertising in terms of trailer, in television and in print and have covered intertextuality and video games relating to the film. They will be able to analyse media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of Film. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the creation of a Film advertising campaign.

Television: Students will have learned about contemporary and historical Television Dramas, specifically Cuffs and The Avengers. They will be able to analyse media messages and apply the theoretical framework to the study of television, including the application of wider cultural, historical, industrial and social context. Students will practically consolidate their learning in the creation of a TV show budgeting task with a focus on the difference between state and commercially funded PSB remits.

Music Video: Students will have learned about the form and function of Music Videos, specifically ‘Uptown Funk’ by Bruno Mars and ‘If I Were a Boy’ by Beyonce. They will be able to analyse media messages and contexts and apply the theoretical framework to the study of music videos. They will practically apply this to the completion of research and planning for their own music videos for their NEA. Students will be prepared with the skills and knowledge required to shoot their video over the summer break. Students will practically consolidate their learning through the Research and Planning portfolio for their NEA.



Provision Maps