Student Leadership Welcome

We hold confidence in our belief that Ravens Wood is an institution that cares deeply about its students, our ethos of Learn, Lead, Excel reflects how life at Ravens Wood is about more than just grades. As our students pass through the years they develop into Leaders and role model the expectations to our younger students. But Ravens Wood is not stuck in its ways; we are (as our ethos states) ‘committed to excellence and innovation’. As the Head Students - along with our team of deputies - serve to perpetuate this culture of excellence and innovation through a curriculum of awe and wonder.

Throughout the academic year we will also be working together as a school community to raise awareness and fundraise for a range of charities, but specifically for ‘Cardiac Risk in the Young’ (CRY). This organisation works to prevent young sudden cardiac deaths through raising awareness, conducting screenings, carrying out research and supporting the families of young people who have tragically fallen victim to sudden cardiac deaths. CRY’s work is specifically aimed at young people - the same age as our students - which is why their work is of utmost importance to us. As a school, we aim to educate the minds of our young people on the cause, provide them with a way to give back to the wider community and those affected within our own school community.


Welcome from our Head Students

I am one of the Head Students for this academic year. I am currently studying Biology, Geography and Psychology and I am aspiring to study Psychology at University. I am grateful to have this opportunity to work alongside the other members of the student leadership team to better the strategies the school currently have in place to battle mental health; something I am personally passionate about and keen to carry out. I also want to promote and motivate students to take part in enrichment and extracurricular opportunities, not only to develop new skills but to further encourage digital detoxing and socialising. I am excited to continue to provide a safe and challenging environment which is key for students to thrive in!

I am another of your your Head Students for the next academic year. I currently study Business, Politics and Sociology and I am hoping to study Accounting and Finance at University. My aim as Head Student is to inspire others, to make them believe that anything is possible if they work hard enough. I also aim to make sure that students believe in themselves and take on new opportunities by promoting enrichment activities. I also want to create a wider sense of community to make all students feel like they belong here at Ravens Wood. To ensure that everyone has a positive school experience and to ensure that everyone feels safe. I also want to help every student become the best version of themselves underpinned by the motto ‘Excellence Everywhere’. I am excited to get started and hopefully accomplish everything I set out to do, by working with the rest of the student leadership team I believe we can make it possible.


Welcome from our Deputy Head Students

I am one of the new Deputy Head Students. I am currently studying Business, Geography and English Literature and Language and I aspire to become a Lawyer. I am also a Careers Prefect and hope to ensure all students have a clear pathway to follow after they leave Ravens Wood School, by highlighting the range of opportunities offered by a plethora of Universities and Apprenticeships. My vision for becoming Deputy Head Student is not only to hold a lot more charity events, focus on anti-bullying and raise awareness about the importance of mental health, but to also inspire others, helping them to develop and expand their knowledge. I believe every student at this school has outstanding potential to exceed their target grades and progress into becoming the best version of themselves whether it’s academically or through extra-curricular activities and enrichment. Moreover, I aim to allow students to feel safer and come forward confidently about any issues that they may have; I believe that by working alongside the Student Leadership and Diversity Team all of these goals are more than achievable. I look forward to working with you all.

I am another of your Deputy Head Students. I have been at Ravens wood since year 7 and I have seen vast progress in our student welfare, extracurricular and academic grades. However, I feel that our school must do more! I will be relentless in promoting extracurricular within our school. Extra-curricular has always been a chance where I felt I could express myself. Therefore, it is vital for our school to improve in our extra-curricular as every student should be able to express themselves at our school whether that be inside or outside the classroom. I will also work closely with my other student leadership team members to make our school a friendly working environment by hosting charity events and fundraisers for the school. In addition, I will strive to find ways on improving our schools' academic grades by working collaboratively with my team. It is an honour to be a Deputy Head student of Ravens Wood School this academic year and I look forward to making it a successful one.