How We Organise Classes & Groups

  1. RWS7
  2. RWS8
  3. RWS9
  4. Setting in PE in RWS7-9
  5. RWS10 and RWS11
  6. Setting in PE in RWS10-11
  7. Tiers and Entries in Mathematics and Science



For the first term, all classes for all subjects are mixed ability, based upon information received from primary schools. The Year group is split into two halves for timetabling purposes R and W.

The following informs streaming in Maths and Science only, which comes into effect after the Christmas holidays:

  • Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs)
  • KS2 SATS (where applicable)
  • Snapshots
  • Book reviews
  • Performance in class

The 60 highest performing students on each of the R and W sides of the school are streamed into one band. This band will be divided into two classes, which will be designated as such:

Maths: 7r/MaX1, 7w/MaX1, 7r/MaY1, 7w/MaY1

Science: 7r/ScX1, 7w/ScX1, 7r/ScY1, 7w/ScY1

It is important to note that the classes within this band will be mixed attainment and therefore each class within the band will have a similar average attainment.

The remaining students on each of the R and W sides of the school are streamed into our second band. This band, on each side of the school, will be divided into two classes, which will be designated as such:

Maths: 7r/MaX2, 7w/MaX2, 7r/MaY2, 7w/MaY2

Science: 7r/ScX2, 7w/ScX2, 7r/ScY2, 7w/ScY2

It is important to note that the classes within this band will be mixed attainment and therefore each class within the band will have a similar average attainment.

With the exception of PE, all other subjects to remain mixed attainment in all classes.

It is always our policy at Ravens Wood School to continually monitor our Mathematics and Science bands and ensure that students are placed in the correct band for their ability. We have regular calendared dates when set and stream reviews are completed. These are published on the school website as part of the Assessment and Reporting calendar in the “How We Assess” section.

It is possible that your son could be moved between these bands at these scheduled points during the year. If this is the case, individual parents/carers will be informed.



The following informs stream decisions and review in Mathematics and Science:

  • Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs) from Years 7 and 8
  • Assessment outcomes from previous year(s)
  • Book reviews
  • Performance in class

The 60 highest performing students on each of the R and W sides of the school are streamed into one band. This band will be divided into two classes, which will be designated as such:

Maths: 8r/MaX1, 8w/MaX1, 8r/MaY1, 8w/MaY1

Science: 8r/ScX1, 8w/ScX1, 8r/ScY1, 8w/ScY1

It is important to note that the classes within this band will be mixed attainment and therefore each class within the band will have a similar average attainment.

The remaining students on each of the R and W sides of the school are streamed into our second band. This band, on each side of the school, will be divided into two classes, which will be designated as such:

Maths: 8r/MaX2, 8w/MaX2, 8r/MaY2, 8w/MaY2

Science: 8r/ScX2, 8w/ScX2, 8r/ScY2, 8w/ScY2

All other subjects, with the exception of PE, will remain mixed ability in all classes.

It is always our policy at Ravens Wood School to continually monitor our Mathematics and Science bands and ensure that students are placed in the correct band for their ability. We have regular calendared dates when set and stream reviews are completed. These are published on the school website as part of the Assessment and Reporting calendar in the “How We Assess” section.

It is possible that your son could be moved sets in these ability based subjects at these scheduled points during the year, however moves will be limited to either one set up or down. If this is the case, individual parents/carers will be informed.



In order to ensure that we can place our highest performing Mathematicians into an additional GCSE in Statistics, we review which students are placed into the R and W side of the school. Your son may therefore change sides at the beginning of Year 9.

Because students have changed sides of the school, we also must review the set students are in for Mathematics, English and Science. The following rationale is followed for setting students in Year 9 for these subjects:

Mathematics: Sets 1, 2 and 3 on each side of the school will be ability based, with all other sets being mixed ability.

Science and English: Sets 1 and 2 on each side of the school will be ability based, with all other sets being mixed ability.

All other subjects, with the exception of PE, will remain mixed ability in all classes.

Please note that in Year 9 English is linked to History, Performing Arts and Religious Studies and Mathematics is linked to Geography on the timetable. Therefore, ability sets determined by English and Mathematics will also affect the groupings in these subjects.

The following informs setting decisions in Mathematics, English and Science:

  • Writing Age Assessments
  • Assessment outcomes from previous year(s)
  • Book reviews
  • Performance in class

Following this set review, your son may therefore be placed into a different set than they were in previously. However, should this be the case they will only be moved up or down by 1 set and this set change will have been confirmed to parents and carers at the end of Year 8.

Please scroll down for further information on tiers and entries in Mathematics and Science in Years 9-11.


Setting in PE in RWS7-9

As students physically develop at different rates, the PE Department carry out fitness tests in the third week of each term in order to ensure that students are playing sports with peers of a similar ability. The Head of Physical Education, will write to all parents and carers before each fitness test to explain the process and how the outcomes are used to inform set changes.


RWS10 & RWS11





In Year 10, students are in ability sets in Core PE. In Science, Sets 1 and 2 on each side of the school remain ability based, with all other sets remaining mixed ability.

In Mathematics, Sets 1, 2 and 3 on each side of the school are ability based, with all other sets remaining mixed ability.

In English, Sets 1, 2 on each side of the school are ability based, with all other sets remaining mixed ability.

In Year 11, students are in ability sets in English, and Core PE. Please note that English is linked to Philosophy Religion and Ethics on the timetable. Therefore, ability sets determined by English will also affect the groupings in this subject.

In Mathematics, Sets 1, 2 and 3 on each side of the school remain ability based, with all other sets remaining mixed ability. French and German classes are set by ability with Sets 1 and 2. This is essential due to being a tiered subject (Foundation and Higher) Set 1 students will sit Higher Tier and Set 2 students will sit Foundation Tier.

In Year 10 and 11, all other subjects are mixed ability.

We will continue to monitor the ability sets in English, Maths and Science after each assessment point throughout Years 10 and 11. It is possible that your son could move up or down by one set during these years. If this is the case, individual parents/carers will be informed.

Please scroll down for further information on tiers and entries in Mathematics and Science in Years 9-11.


Setting in PE in RWS10-11

In the first lesson in September in Years 10 and 11, students choose which set they want to be in – either a competitive group or a healthy lifestyles group. Students are encouraged to have an active dialogue with their PE teachers and raise any request to change groups directly with the PE Department as their interest in sports, fitness and physicality change.


Tiers and Entries in Mathematics and Science
a) Year 9:

Mathematics: At the beginning of the academic year and until Assessment 1 has been completed, all students in all sets will be studying the same content. After Assessment 1 there will be some set changes. After this students in streamed sets 9rMa1, 9rMa2, 9rMa3, 9wMa1, 9wMa2 and 9wMa3 will study towards the Higher Tier GCSE Mathematics course. All other mixed ability sets will study towards the Foundation Tier GCSE Mathematics course.

Science: All students will study Triple Science Higher Tier content throughout Year 9. In this non-option subject, a decision will be made at the end of Year 9 regarding which students will continue to study Triple Science in Year 10, and so be placed into the top two sets on each of the R and W side of the school, and which students will convert to Combined Science in Year 10. This decision will be ability based and informed by the Year 9 End of Year Assessment, prior attainment during Year 9, book reviews and their performance in class. The outcome of this process will be communicated to parents/carers at the end of Year 9.

b) Year 10 and 11:

Mathematics: In Year 10, all students in 10rMa1, 10rMa2, 10rMa3, 10wMa1, 10wMa2 and 10wMa3 will study towards the Higher Tier GCSE Mathematics course. All other sets will study towards the Foundation Tier GCSE Mathematics course.

This will continue into Year 11. However, at this stage there is the possibility for students in Set 3s to convert to studying Foundation Tier should they be struggling in Higher Tier. This decision will be informed by the Pre-Public Examination (PPE1) period.

Science: After PPE1 in Year 11, we will review which students will remain studying Triple Science on each of the R and W sides of the school and which students will convert to Combined Science. This decision will be ability based and informed by the Year 11 PPE1, Year 10 End of Year Assessment, prior attainment during Years 9 and 10, book reviews and their performance in class.

We give our students the opportunity to study towards Triple Science for as long as possible, and to as many boys as possible, so that we can make a fully informed decision towards the beginning of Year 11.

Also after Year 11 PPE1 we will decide which Combined Science students will continue to study the Higher Tier content, and which will convert to study Foundation Tier.

It must also be noted that should your son wish to take Science subjects at A-level, he will not be prevented from doing so if he converts to Combined Science, provided that he fulfils the entry requirements of the course, which is a grade 7-7 in Combined Science and a grade 6 in his English and Maths GCSEs.

We always aim to work in collaboration with families, and we will inform you of any set changes. It is the School’s decision, as the examination centre for your son, as to which qualifications your son is entered for and the tier of entry in which they are entered.