

Intent and Vision

In Geography we have the Ravens Wood vision at the heart of our curriculum planning, it has fully informed the learning journey of our students. Our vision in Geography is for all students to study a broad range of topics contributing to a wide range of skills and powerful knowledge. We achieve this through an inclusive education taught through a curriculum of awe and wonder. Students are encouraged to apply their knowledge and understanding to real-life 21st century UK challenges and those facing the wider world. Students are challenged and able to challenge through secure knowledge, this enables students to fully contribute as global citizens. Students are equipped with the tools to develop their individual character, in an environment promoting dignity, integrity, self-discipline and self-esteem. Geography enables our young learners to become globally and environmentally informed and thoughtful, enquiring global citizens.


Key Concepts that Underpin the Curriculum
  1. Geographical knowledge - Develop and extend their knowledge of locations, places, environments and processes
  2. Geographical knowledge - Develop and extend their knowledge at different scales, including global, national, regional and local.
  3. Geographical knowledge - Develop and extend their knowledge of social, political and cultural contexts.
  4. Thinking like a Geographer - Gain understanding of the interactions between people and environments, change in places and processes over space and time.
  5. Thinking like a Geographer - Gain understanding of the interrelationship between geographical phenomena at different scales and in different contexts.
  6. Study like a Geographer - Develop and extend their competence in a range of skills including those used in fieldwork, in using maps and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and in researching secondary evidence, including digital sources.
  7. Study like a Geographer - Develop their competence in applying sound enquiry and investigative approaches to questions and hypotheses.
  8. Application of geography - Apply geographical knowledge, understanding, skills and approaches appropriately and creatively to real world contexts, including fieldwork, and to contemporary situations and issues.
  9. Application of geography - Develop well-evidenced arguments drawing on their geographical knowledge and understanding.
  10. Application of geography - Apply geographical knowledge in a variety of situations including those presented by the examination board.


Key Features of Learning

We believe the best way of doing this is through teaching students about the world they live in. This will be carried out by investigating at local, regional, national and global scales. Lessons are interactive and are tailored to the needs of learners. The curriculum is built around the four pillars of Physical geography, Human geography, Environmental geography and Interdependence. Fieldwork is an integral part of the learning journey, with opportunities provided for all years. Digital resources are made available and tailored to support the individual.

Geography teaches important life skills, personal learning, thinking skills, functional skills, as well as developing a critical way of thinking about the world. Employers are looking for quality people to invest in, and geography is a subject which explores the importance of the future. Our students learn these skills through high quality teaching and numerous fieldwork opportunities, ranging from the local through to international. In Geography at Ravens Wood we allow time for regular retrieval and application of prior knowledge. This is an essential part of the learning journey.

Geography lessons allow students to develop the idea of what it is to be a leader. Students are given opportunities to attend conferences led by expert Geographers as well as building on links with the Geographical Association and the Royal Geographical Society. The Geography department develops a culture of learning which fosters a love of learning and intellectual curiosity.


How Does our Curriculum Shape Learners?

Our curriculum helps students to develop through Continuous progression. They are introduced to physical and human geography in Year 7 first, links are then explored through people-environment processes and interactions in the context of place at a range of scales. Building on this, via geographical investigation, students draw on their wider knowledge and understanding of both UK and world geography to explore geographical issues. Students develop a holistic understanding of geography. The curriculum has been designed to provide both a geographical overview and geographical depth. Geographical skills are integrated throughout all parts of the course so that students use them in context. The Geography curriculum is rich and varied, leading to high academic performance, providing students with the currency to open doors in the future.


The Learning Journey: End Points for Each Academic Year
Year 13

By the end of Year 13, students will have deepened and widened their understanding of both physical and human processes, applying this understanding to interrogate people–environment interactions and people–place connections at all scales from local to global. The culture of intellectual curiosity will be evident.

Progressing from Year 12 our students will have developed a more nuanced understanding of these concepts. Students will engage with models, theories and generalisations, and develop a mature understanding of the significance of human values and attitudes. Currency which is essential for the future. They will apply their geographical knowledge, understanding, skills and approaches in a rigorous way to a range of geographical questions and issues, including those requiring synoptic understanding. Our Yr. 13 geographers have developed their character, leaving as critical and reflective learners, able to articulate opinions, suggest relevant new ideas and provide evidenced argument in a range of situations. Evaluating their own fieldwork, students display understanding of the rationale for the skills and approaches used, showing a considerable degree of independence in selecting and using a wide range of geographical methods, techniques and skills, involving both qualitative and quantitative methods. Year 13 allows students to build their knowledge of contexts, locations, places and environments, by extending the scope and scale of study, the variety of physical, social, economic, cultural and political contexts encountered, the depth of conceptual understanding required, and the range of spatial and temporal scales included.

Student leaving us will be able to effectively communicate their ideas and draw upon detailed connections between the human and physical environment. Advancing their knowledge from year 12, students will have drawn synoptic links between the different topics they have studied. The key concepts of geographical knowledge, thinking like geographers, studying like geographers and the application of geography have had every opportunity to develop. We are proud of our students' in-depth awareness of different cultures and diversity. We provide our geographers with the cultural capital necessary to be well informed, responsible and caring global citizens.

Year 12

By the end of Year 12, students will be able to engage critically with real world issues and places, and apply their geographical knowledge, theory and skills to the world around them. Students will have grown as independent thinkers and as informed and engaged global citizens, who understand the role and importance of geography as one of the key disciplines relevant to understanding the world’s changing peoples, places and environments.

Through their physical geographical studies, Tectonics and Coastal Environments, students develop their knowledge of locations, places, processes and environments, at all geographical scales from local to global. Through human geographical studies, Globalisation and Regeneration, students recognise the complexity of people–environment interactions at all geographical scales, and appreciate how they underpin understanding of some of the key issues facing the world today. In Year 12 students develop their understanding of the concepts of place, space, scale and environment, these themes have underpinned GCSE.
Students improve their understanding of the ways in which values, attitudes and circumstances have an impact on the relationships between people, place and environment, and develop the knowledge and ability to engage, as citizens, with the questions and issues arising. Students develop the key skill of selecting and critically evaluating sources of information.

Students will have practiced a range of fieldwork techniques and have a good understanding of the fundamental role fieldwork plays in understanding and generating new knowledge about the real world. By the end of the year they will be skilled at planning, undertaking and evaluating fieldwork. At A-Level fieldwork, in particular, demands a high degree of responsibility from students for selecting research questions, applying relevant techniques and skills, and identifying appropriate ways of analysing and communicating findings. This currency is the foundation which forms the bridge between studying in Year 12 to Year 13.

Year 11

By the end of year 11, students would have an in depth understanding of geographical processes and be able to illuminate the impact of change and of complex people-environment interactions. Students will be more confident in examination skills and techniques. Students will have a sophisticated understanding of the interrelationships between people and the environment. This will be evident at a range of scales. Students will be confident in their synoptic skills, drawing on a range of topics to answer the more challenging questions. This will be developed in the UK Challenges course. The curriculum we deliver undoubtedly enables our young geographers to become globally and environmentally informed and thoughtful, enquiring global citizens. They finish Year 11 with the currency and character to succeed.

Year 10

By the end of Year 10, students will have focused on the knowledge, understanding and relevant geographical skills required at GCSE. Our curriculum ensures progression from Key Stage 3 and sets out the possibilities for development to A-Level.
Students are given the opportunity to understand more about the world, the challenges it faces and their place within it. In Year 10 students deepen their understanding of geographical processes, the impact of change and of complex people-environment interactions. The curriculum highlights the dynamic links and interrelationships between places and environments at different scales. Students develop their competence in using a wide range of geographical investigative skills and approaches, some introduced in Year 7-9 others learnt this year.

Year 10 see a focus on human geography and people-environment issues. The year is again divided into three sections: Firstly students study Changing cities – this covers an overview of global urban processes and trends and detailed case studies of London, this is contrasted with Mexico City. The second topic is Global development – this covers an overview of the causes, consequences and challenges of uneven global development. Students carry out a detailed case study of India. The year finishes investigating resource management. This topic starts with an overview of the global and UK distribution of food, energy and water. It then moves to a detailed study of energy resource management contrasting the Energy Mix’ of the UK, Germany and China. By the end of year 10, students will have practiced developing their exams skills enabling them to confidently tackle the more demanding 8-mark questions. Knowledge, thinking and study skills have improved as has their ability to apply this to the examination questions requiring extended answers.

Year 9

Year 9 brings together physical geography and people-environment processes and interactions. The year is divided into three sections. Firstly, students study the changing landscapes of the UK – an overview of the distribution and characteristics of the UK’s changing landscapes, including an introduction to the geology of the UK, and detailed studies of both coastal and river landscapes and processes. This clearly builds on the knowledge gained in the Tectonics studies of Year 8. This is followed by: Weather hazards and climate change – an overview of the global circulation of atmosphere and climate change over time and two detailed studies of tropical cyclones and drought, looking at both developed countries and emerging or developing countries. Climate change is one of the key challenges facing the globe, our students will be able to explain what climate change is and how it will impact people and the environment today and in the future.

Students are able to build on their introduction to weather from Year 7. Links to previous topic is further developed when students take a deeper dive into ecosystems, biodiversity and their management. This is achieved through an overview of the distribution and characteristics of global and UK ecosystems. Students will develop excellent knowledge of deciduous woodlands in the UK and tropical rainforests.

Students finish Year 9 with the necessary skills and a detailed understanding of the key geographical concepts which give them a vital understanding of the world they live in. Year 9 has allowed students to apply their geographical skills in comparative studies at different locations around the globe through a variety of topics and themes.

For those opting to study Geography further they have the excellent platform to launch their GCSE journey, and all students leave Year 9 with an understanding of their role and responsibilities as global citizens.

Year 8

By the end of year 8, students will be able to coherently explain their points of view, often supporting this with links to key contemporary case studies. Key vocabulary is developed and applied accurately. Natural hazards and tectonics are studied in the Autumn term. They identify the causes, impacts and management of a range of case studies at a variety if scales. Students build on the key skills learnt in Year 7, utilising a range of cartographic techniques, graphical skills and image handling strategies. Field work in the local area provides opportunities to highlight contrasts and further develop key geographical skills. Students will challenge stereotypes when studying the Development Gap, Population and Globalisation, bringing a deeper understanding of diversity around the globe. The year finishes with students reflecting on the UK’s position amongst the pantheon of superpower states. Through their geographical studies their knowledge has been widened, geographical skills deepened, they are thinking like geographers and their ability to apply geography has been tested.

Year 7

By the end of year 7, students will have a sound understanding of their place in the world we live. They are aware of considering this at different scales; local, national and global. This is achieved through studying how our climate is changing and weather hazards. Students investigate sustainability in their local area. Cartographic skills will be introduced as will data handling techniques. These key skills form the foundation for future investigations. This work is linked to news articles and current events where possible. Current developments are utilised to investigate energy security and the need to diversify the UK’s energy mix. Students will be able to assess the impact of their actions at a different scale. Human interactions with the wider world are further developed through investigating two distinct ecosystems which are threatened by human activity. Students will be able to make judgements concerning the need for and impact of management techniques. Students will have an increased awareness of cultural differences around the world, by studying desert populations. Year 7 culminates with students applying the skills learnt in a local area study. Issues are identified, data collection programs constructed, data collected, presented analysed and evaluated. Key skills that are critical for their future geographical studies.

This is the start of our students learning journey to becoming global citizens and understanding global issues. New geographical knowledge, thinking and studying skills have been introduced. Students start to apply this to simple situations.


What will you see in Geography Lessons?

Students will be working from a variety of geographical sources (images, maps, texts, graphical and statistical data). Clear guidance will be given on how to use these sources. They will be required to recall and compare earlier uses of them. GIS will be used to aid visualisation and spatial analysis.

Geography teachers will share key vocabulary with students. Extended reading (textbooks, news articles, Geography Review articles and on-line sources) is encouraged and supported. Opportunities for reading aloud together are provided.

As a Department we aim for security in the specified content, and where appropriate, beyond. Opportunities are provided for reflecting on the geographical knowledge gained. Students are encouraged to Think like a Geographer, Study like a Geographer, demonstrate their Application of geography.


What will you see in Pupils' Geography Books?

Written notes from lessons, set out following school policy. Written answers to questions ranging from a few sentences to extend paragraphs and beyond. Focused writing tasks will be evident. Geographical vocabulary will be used appropriately.

Green pen responses will be evident. Modelling, scaffolding and redrafting will demonstrate progress.

Geographical thinking will be evident.

At A-Level folders will be clearly set out, supporting learning. Evidence of wider reading and redrafting will be prominent.


What Formative Assessment will you see in Geography?

Written and oral retrieval quizzes. These are routinely used to check recall of key places, landforms, processes and concepts that students will regularly need.

Students write paragraphs in response to geographical questions and resources inviting recall and application of geographical knowledge and thinking. This will sometimes applied to new case studies.

Targeted questions are used to ascertain understanding across the classes.


What is the Department Currently Reading and Why?
  • Marshall, T. The Power of Geography 2021.
  • Geography Review magazines and digital archive available to all.
  • Geographical Association Magazine and Teaching Geography
  • Royal Geographical Society Magazine.
  • National Geographic Magazine.
  • All current resources are shared at Department meetings.



Provision Maps

Geog - Yr 7 - 1 - Weather and Climate Change

Geog - Yr 7 - 2 - Energy

Geog - Yr 7 - 3 & 4 - Endangered Ecosystems

Geog Yr 8 - 1 - Tectonics

Geog Yr 8 - 2 - Mind the Gap

Geog Yr 8 - 3 - Population

Geog Yr 8 - 4 - Globalisation