
Intent and Vision

In Citizenship we have the Ravens Wood vision at heart of our curriculum planning, and it has informed the learning journey of our students. Our vision is for all students to become enthusiastic, informed, and active citizens, both globally and within their local communities. Our Citizenship students will leave school with an awareness of their role in society, what their rights and responsibilities are and how they can make a difference both politically and socially. Our Citizenship students will also have the opportunity to run real campaigns and projects with the aim of achieving an impactful and positive change.


Key Concepts that Underpin the Curriculum
  1. Values and Principles
  2. Identity
  3. Politics and Democracy
  4. Laws and Justice
  5. Liberty and Freedom
  6. Rights and Responsibilities
  7. Active Citizenship


Key Features of Learning

We believe the best way of doing this is teaching students how to engage with case studies and current events critically and thoughtfully. Students are taught how to debate citizenship issues and consider a range of different viewpoints and beliefs. Students engage is frequent recall of past topic, allowing them to build on their knowledge and understanding throughout the course. Students will also learn first-hand the tools required for being an active and global citizen, through engaging responsibly and positively with their local and wider communities.


How Does our Curriculum Shape Learners?

Our curriculum helps students to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to participate in society actively and responsibly. Students will understand their rights and roles as citizens and will be able to engage critically with politics and current affairs. Students will have many opportunities to develop the empathy, understanding and characteristics of successful members of society and take these with them beyond their formal education.


The Learning Journey: End Points for Each Academic Year
Year 11

By the end of Year 11, students will have studied the roles of parliament, government, and the criminal justice system. They will have looked at laws, legal processes, how the justice system operates in the UK and how society deals with criminality. Students will also have studied the nature of political power in the UK, building on core concepts relating to democracy and government. Students will have looked at the role of political parties, the election system, how other countries govern themselves and how they as citizens can bring about political change. Students will be able to engage critically with citizenship issues, consider a variety of viewpoints and beliefs, and have a deep understanding of what it means to be a global citizen. They will be able to use the knowledge gained over the course of their GCSE to think deeply and critically about a wide range of political, social, economic, and ethical issues and questions facing society both locally and globally. This will culminate in developing the knowledge, understanding and skills to participate responsibly and positively in their communities as active citizens.

Year 10

By the end of Year 10, students will have looked in depth at the make-up, values and dynamics of contemporary UK society. They will have considered what it means to be British and the importance of the British values such as democracy. Students will have looked in depth at the roles and responsibilities of the traditional media and look critically at situations where these responsibilities have not been met. Students will also critically consider the impact of new media formats and how they can engage with them responsibility and safely. This knowledge will also be applied to analysing and evaluating sources and case-studies of citizenship issues. Students will have looked at the UK’s role in international organisations and the impact of Brexit on both the UK and the EU, giving them an understanding of the UK on both a national and global scale. They will have developed a good understanding of how to engage in debate and to translate their verbal debates into written, evaluative arguments. Students will have also completed their active citizenship project, which will involve a planned course of informed action with the aim of addressing a citizenship issue or question of concern. Students will choose their issue and investigate possible causes and solutions, with the aim of delivering a change to the local community or wider society.

Year 9

By the end of Year 9, students will have been introduced to a range of Citizenship concepts and issues. Students will understand UK values and the role of different institutions within society that support them, for example: the government, parliament, the media, and the criminal justice system. Students will start to look critically at the roles of these organisations through case studies and current events. Media literacy will also be explored to provide students with the tools to engage effectively with different sources and news outlets. Students will have also looked at recent political movements both nationally and globally, using their understanding of UK values and media literacy to consider these movements and the issues surrounding them through the lens of global citizenship. By the end of year 9, students should have a solid understanding of the values and institutions that underpin contemporary UK society, how to engage critically with information and how to apply this knowledge to current events.



Provision Maps

Citizenship - 1 - Y9 - British Values

Citizenship - 2 - Y9 - Identity and UK

Citizenship - 3 - Y9 - Liberty and Freedom

Citizenship - 4 - Y9 - Laws and The Justice System

Citizenship - 5 - Y9 - Parliamentary Democracy

Citizenship - 6 - Y9 - How to Make a Difference