
Intent and Vision

In Economics we have the Ravens Wood vision at heart of our curriculum planning and it has informed the learning journey of our students. Our vision in Economics is for all students to understand the basic concepts and building blocks of both Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. To develop and interpret models and illustrate concepts diagrammatically and in context. Creating opportunities for students to work independently and develop a curiosity for current affairs. We want students to have a deeper understanding of the economy as a whole and the role of different economic agents within society.


Key Concepts that Underpin the Curriculum
  1. Microeconomics
  2. How markets work and fail
  3. Government intervention in markets
  4. Market structures
  5. Macroeconomics
  6. Global environment
  7. International Trade
  8. Financial Sector
  9. Growth and Development
  10. Policies in a Global context


Key Features of Learning

We believe the best way of doing this is teaching students the language and new terminology as much as possible to give a more natural learning experience. Our lessons are very interactive with a wide range of activities, such as using mini white boards, pair and group work, individual presentations, and games with a competitive edge, which develop the four skills of knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation. We use technology both inside and outside the classroom to enhance the learning, for example, Econquiz to help students learn about current affairs and EazyEcon where they independently work through a digital learning plan tailored to support their individual progress.


How Does our Curriculum Shape Learners?

Our curriculum helps students to develop their curiosity about other developing and developed economies. Our curriculum encourage students to be more open minded about other cultures and reflect on solutions in using resources more efficiently. Students are more knowledgeable about the issues in the global world and be assets who can add value in any working environment.


The Learning Journey: End Points for Each Academic Year
Year 13

By the end of Year 13, students will be able to articulate using specialist key economic terms about a variety of topics relating to different micro and macroeconomic issues. They are also able to conduct independent research into the global context of economics and present the information in formats such as diagrams, formulae and written explanations. Students will have a broad knowledge and understanding of economic concepts that would set them up for a successful university study. They will be able to successfully interpret, apply, analyse and evaluate scenarios and link it to the behavioural sciences of economics. Students will be able to write coherent and analytical essays to explain potential causes and effects of key economic objectives. This culminates in Year 13 students being culturally aware, curious, grammatically competent and excellent communicators.

Students will be able to understand the significance of globalisation, international trade, the balance of payments and exchange rates. They will examine public finance, macroeconomic policies and the role of the financial sector in a global context. Students will consider the factors influencing the growth and development of emerging and developing countries.

Year 12

By the end of Year 12, students will have moved beyond the understanding of what economics is to discussing how it affects individuals and individual companies within the economy. Students will be growing in confidence using key economic terminology in microeconomics. They will have developed an interest in, and enthusiasm for, the subject. Students will appreciate the contribution of economics to the understanding of the wider economic and social environment. They will use an enquiring, critical and thoughtful approach to the study of economics and develop an ability to think as an economist. Students will understand that economic behaviour can be studied from a range of perspectives. They will be able to develop analytical and quantitative skills, together with qualities and attitudes that will equip them for the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities of adult and working life.



Provision Maps